Sunday, May 1, 2016

First Post


Thanks for visiting this blog. Let me introduce myself...I'm Bethany and I find myself teaching junior and senior high school students Sunday School in a church in Arizona. I've been doing this for about nine months now and have found that I want to document some of the lessons and activities that are presented to my students. 

Right now we're slowly working our way through the book of Genesis and maybe eventually through the Old Testament. I'm using David Lynn's book Middle School Talksheets: Epic Old Testament Stories to guide which scripture passages to study each week as well as questions for discussion.

While this resource has been very helpful, I was observing that the students in the class were wanting to be a bit more active. So I began incorporating hands-on/minds-on object lessons to coincide with the big idea of the lesson. 

Either I'm a bad "googler" or there just isn't all that much out "on the line" for 13-17 year olds when it comes to having active Bible lessons. If I do come across something that might be good, I usually end up tweaking it a bit anyway to fit the groove of my students. So when the lesson finally comes together, I feel as though I've had a "Eureka!" moment. And that's how the blog was named! So I thought I would share what's going on in our class to maybe be of help to what's going on in your class. 

If you find what's being posted here to be of use, let me know and make sure to pass it along to fellow youth workers. 

Thanks for checking this out! 

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5) Many thanks to Tracy Watanabe for these directions to post. 

And thank you for commenting!

1 comment:

  1. Gah! I love that you're doing this! I know it will be a blessing to many! :)
