Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Around the World in 80 Minutes

Hello Friends!

I am excited to share with you a youth event that we held that was a smashing success - Around the World in 80 Minutes. Ideas for this event came from this blog post, and various other pins from Pinterest about group activities and games. One of the cool things about all of these activities is that there are great for junior and senior high students and for littles too with some adult assistance.

The winners of each challenge received raffle tickets. At the conclusion of the evening, raffle tickets were drawn for gift cards to the local yogurt shop.

As students entered the room this is what they saw. The flags from each country were hints for what was to take place. 

Our first stop was Egypt: The Mummy Wrap

In teams of two, one partner had to unravel an entire roll of toilet paper around the other partner. 

Russia: The Ice Block Stack

Teams of two work together to stack 12 ice cubes to make a single tower.

Ireland: Pass the Blarney Stone

Teams work together to carry medium sized stones on little tiny tea spoons (that I found at the Dollar Store) across the lawn and back.

England: Tea Party

Teams of two have their wrists tied together and must unwrap two Ding Dongs cakes and eat them and also drink two Capri Suns. 

France: Balloon Eiffel Tower Challenge

Teams work together to build the tallest stack of balloons (free standing) possible.

Australia: Kangaroo Hop

Individuals potato sack hop across the lawn and back. 

China: Chop Stick Pick Up

Teams of two work together using chop sticks to transfer marshmallows from one container to another.

Mexico: Tortilla Toss

Individuals toss tortillas through a hula hoop that has been strung up on a tree (just like a pinata!) 

Italy: Noodle Racer

Students race across the lawn and their partner races back balancing a pool noodle standing on its end upon their hand.

Spain: Bulls Eye

Students take turns tossing lawn darts into the ring.

Getting Serious...

We ended the evening with a call to action to pray for these countries. As a reminder, students were also given a little globe. The Prayer Challenge (CLICK HERE FOR THE PDF) also provided information from Operation World. This website invites people to take part in a 60 day prayer challenge.  

So if you've make it this far, I will confess that we took a bit longer than 80 was more like 2 hours. So if you're wanting/needing to have a stricter time line, you'll need to skip a couple of the activities. 

I believe that I've shared all that I can think of that went into planning this evening. If you have questions or want to share something that you've done with your youth group, please comment below. 

Have a great day!

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5) Many thanks to Tracy Watanabe for these directions to post. 

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